Before we arrive

Preparing a listing is the first step to having beautiful, top-quality images for posting on the MLS and social media. We require that all properties be prepared before we arrive so we request that you arrive 15 minutes prior to your appointment time to make sure that the home is ready for photography. We are always happy to provide our experience and help make minor adjustments or suggestions.

It is important to us to provide all of our clients with punctual, professional service so if your listing is not ready before our arrival we can either shoot the listing as-is or we can reschedule for a later date along with a $50 cancellation fee as per our policy.

The following is a list of suggestions to Prepare for your Professional Real Estate Photo shoot


- No cars in the driveway, garage door closed

- We do not shoot inside the garage, unless it is very neat, If not this is another place to hide items

- Hoses rolled up neatly, or even better, gone

- Exterior garbage cans out of view or at least out of front shot

- Security yard signs, such as ADT and Realtor yard signs temporarily removed if possible.

- Remove anything that looks seasonal, such as Xmas wreaths, pumpkins, etc.


- All lights on, overheads and especially all lamps, including exterior lights on garage and porch.

- All blinds up (unless these is something you don’t want visible through the window)

- Nothing in the kitchen sink (hide sponges, drying racks, scrubbers, etc.)

- All magnets and photos off the refrigerator

- Minimize/hide personal photos in frames on table tops

- It is best if pets are taken for a walk, or crated

- All toilet lids down

- Hide toys or at least minimize them

- Hide tissue boxes unless they are housed in something decorative

- Bathroom Towels hung neatly or removed

- In bathrooms, hide toothbrushes, razors, anything personal or anything not decorative

- Nightstands, as few things as possible (We will not open drawers to hide things in the bedroom)

- We do not shoot inside closets, unless it is very neat designer/walk-in closet, If not use the closet to hide things.


Less is More, not just for clutter, but for people. If possible, treat this photo session the same as a showing, and have the sellers take an hour in a coffee shop or visit a neighbor. The goal is to make your home show beautifully online and sell quickly!

At Immersive VR Tours, we know what it takes to get your listings sold and for top dollar. With thousands of properties under our belt, we are confident that we will deliver outstanding, eye-catching images of your listing.

We provide our services to the South Florida area including Broward and Miami-Dade Counties.